SAA Conference - Audiovisual authors online - seizing the digital revolution - 29th November
The SAA launched a year and a half ago (it seems like yesterday!). Our first major piece of work was to produce the White Paper on Audiovisual Authors' Rights and Remuneration in Europe, which we published in February 2011 (you can read it here).
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The history of European copyright means that in today’s digital globalised world, things aren’t as simple as some would perhaps prefer.
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A Great Victory for Authors’ Rights in the European Parliament
The adoption of the Gallo report on the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market by the European Parliament on 22 September is a great victory for European authors.
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Welcome to SAA's blog
You will find here on a regular basis comments, thoughts and insights from SAA's executive director Cécile Despringre, but also from other contributors on various subjects related to the day-to-day policy-making in Brussels and European audiovisual authors.
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