International Documentary Festival in Biarritz, France

Roundtable: “The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market may well change your (professional…) life”
On 24 January 2019, Cécile Despringre, Executive Director of the SAA, participated in a roundtable at the International Documentary Festival of Biarritz about the state-of-play and possible impact of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market on European documentary filmmakers.
The professional event was moderated by Cédric Mal, journalist and founder of Le blog documentaire and the speakers were Cécile Despringre, Director (SAA), Mme Anne-Charlotte Jeancard, Director of Legal and International Affairs (Adami) and Idzard Van Der Puyl, Délégué général (Procirep).
The roundtable was organised by the festival, in partnership with LaScam, Procirep and ADAMI.