Conferences & events
SAA Conference - Putting authors at the heart of the creative economy
On 23rd March 2015 SAA launched its White Paper on audiovisual authors’ rights and remuneration. You can see a summary video of the whole event and hear Roger Michel, Bertrand Tavernier and Jochen Greve share their thoughts in the videos below.
Exclusive Q&A with Cédric Klapisch
SAA and Europa Distribution are bringing renowned French director Cédric Klapisch to Brussels to talk about his L'Auberge espagnole trilogy, film-making and Europe.
No Place for Young Women
FERA, SAA and EWA partner Strasbourg event (10th December) on the subject of equal opportunities for female film directors in co-operation with the LUX Prize and hosted by Ms Nadja Hirsch, Vice Chair on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
World Creators' Summit 2013
Presented by CISAC, The World Creators Summit (formerly known as World Copyright Summit), will take place in Washington DC at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center on June 4 and 5, 2013
Connected Creation - Rencontres de Bruxelles #02
Organised by the SACD/Scam Belgium, and taking place at 2pm on 4th June at the Royal Library in Brussels, the second edition of the Rencontres de Bruxelles will look at how creators are working with the new connectivity at their fingertips. For more information (in French) and registration details click below.
SAA Conference - Audiovisual authors online - seizing the digital revolution
The conference was held on 29th November from 2pm to 6pm at the Concert Noble in Brussels followed by a reception and a screening of "Les Neiges du Kilimandjaro" by Robert Guédiguian, this year's LUX Price winning film, at Flagey.
World Copyright Summit in Brussels
The World Copyright Summit organised on 7 and 8 June by CISAC in Brussels will gather creators, rights organisations, publishers, producers, policy makers, media and content providers, internet operators and legal and technology experts, who will exchange ideas and debate about the future of intellectual property and creative works in the digital environment.