SAA patrons meet Vice-President Ansip

Authors’ remuneration and the digital single market on the agenda as Commission VP meets Bertrand Tavernier, Roger Michell and Hugh Stoddart.
SAA welcomed the productive and constructive exchange on 22nd June and was pleased to present Vice President Ansip with the 2nd edition of our White Paper on audiovisual authors’ rights and remuneration in Europe. The SAA patrons discussed how their works could reach more people in Europe while respecting the financing of works and ensuring that screenwriters and directors are remunerated when their works are shown. The meeting covered a variety of subjects including authors’ remuneration, geo-blocking, territoriality, media windows and enforcement.
Following the meeting SAA patron, Bertrand Tavernier, wrote to Vice President Ansip. You can read his letter, along with additional comments from other screenwriters and directors, here.