SAA participates in Public Hearing on Bringing Europe's Cultural Heritage Online
Following the online consultation on boosting cultural heritage online in Europe organized by the European Commission at the end of the summer, the Reflection Group (Comité des Sages) whose three members Elisabeth Niggemann, Director general of the German National Library, Maurice Lévy, CEO of Publicis and Jacques De Decker, writer have been appointed by Commissioner Kroes and Vassiliou in April 2010 to make recommendations on ways and means to make Europe's cultural heritage and creativity available on the Internet, looking in particular at funding sources, at how cultural organisations and the private sector can interact in the digital age, and at responsibilities and solutions for digitising material that is in the public domain or still in copyright, organised a public hearing on 28 October 2010.
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SAA Board of Patrons meets Commissioner Barnier
Authors of the SAA Board of Patrons and CEOs of SAA members met today Michel Barnier, the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, in order to exchange views and explain the challenges that the audiovisual sector is faced with at the European level.
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Le rapport Gallo adopté
Le rapport de la députée européenne Mme Gallo sur l’application des droits de propriété intellectuelle sur le marché intérieur a été adopté le 22 septembre 2010 en séance plénière du Parlement européen par 328 voix contre 245.
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SAA supports Gallo report together with nine other creators’ organisations
The Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) along with nine other creators’ organisations issued a joint statement giving their full support to MEP Gallo’s report on enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market.
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SAA contributes to EC Green Paper consultation
SAA contributed to the public consultation opened by the European Commission regarding the Green Paper “Unlocking the potential of Cultural and Creative Industries”.
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Renowned European audiovisual authors support EP’s report on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
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SAA launch attracts the attention of the media
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Les sociétés d’auteurs audiovisuelles lancent une nouvelle organisation européenne
A l’initiative de la SACD et de la SCAM en France et de 7 autres sociétés d’auteurs audiovisuelles en Allemagne, Royaume Uni, Pays-Bas et Suisse, la Société des Auteurs Audiovisuels (SAA) a vu le jour en ce début d’année. Après seulement quelques mois, elle rassemble 24 sociétés de gestion collective représentant plus de 100 000 scénaristes et réalisateurs de 17 pays.
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