Conferences & events
The 6th edition of “One Day in Strasbourg”
The SAA's 6th edition of the “One Day in Strasbourg” took place on the 26 November. In addition to SAA members meeting their MEPs during the day, we hosted a dinner together with the European Parliament's LUX Film Prize, in partnership with FERA and FSE. We celebrated European cinema, cultural diversity and freedom of expression with the LUX Film Prize finalists.
The 5th EU Audiovisual Authors’ Workshop in Ljubljana
The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and the SAA were partners of the 5th edition of the EU Audiovisual Authors' Workshop, hosted by DSR (Directors’ Guild of Slovenia) and AIPA (Collective Management Organisation) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
International Documentary Festival in Biarritz, France
Roundtable: “The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market may well change your (professional…) life”
The 5th edition of 'One Day in Strasbourg'
The 5th edition of the “One Day in Strasbourg” event was co-organised by SAA and the European Parliament's LUX Film Prize, in partnership with FERA and FSE.
Event with authors and performers on fair remuneration in the European Parliament
Performers, audiovisual authors’ and their representative organisations came together in the European Parliament at an event co-hosted by MEPs Marc Joulaud (EPP), Mary Honeyball (S&D) and Helga Trüpel (Greens/EFA), to highlight the realities and needs of performers and audiovisual authors in the Digital Single Market.
The 4th EU Audiovisual Authors’ Workshop in Ljubljana
The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and SAA were partners of the 4th edition of the EU Audiovisual Authors' Workshop, hosted by DSR (Directors’ Guild of Slovenia) and AIPA (Collective Management Organisation) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The 4th edition of 'One Day in Strasbourg'
The 4th edition of the “One Day in Strasbourg” event was organised by SAA in partnership with European Parliament LUX Prize, and took place on the day of the announcement of the winner of the prize in plenary session.
Lunch-briefing in the European Parliament on fair remuneration
The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and SAA invited Members of the European Parliament to a lunch-briefing on fair remuneration for audiovisual authors, hosted by Pervenche Berès (S&D).
Lunch-briefing in the European Parliament on TV programme retransmission and direct injection
The European grouping of Authors’ Societies (GESAC) and SAA organised a lunch-briefing, hosted by MEP Virginie Rozière (S&D) and Bogdan Brunon Wenta (EPP) to discuss TV programme retransmission and direct injection.
Breakfast-briefing in the European Parliament: Copyright in the DSM
The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and SAA invited Members of the European Parliament to a breakfast-briefing chaired by MEP Jean-Marie Cavada (ALDE), on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.
The 3rd EU Audiovisual Authors' Workshop in Ljubljana
The FERA workshop in Ljubljana was hosted by Slovene members DSR (Directors' Guild of Slovenia) and AIPA, in association with SAA (Society of Audiovisual Authors) and FSE (Federation of Screenwriters in Europe). On the agenda was "Copyright in the DSM: Audiovisual authors’ need for fair and proportionate remuneration".
The 3rd edition of "One Day in Strasbourg"
The 3nd edition of One Day in Strasbourg on 22nd November 2016 enabled SAA and its nine member delegations to reach out to 30 MEPs over two days.